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Calling All Sports ClubsWe welcome all members of sports clubs in the area to the special Mass this Saturday, 8th February, at 6pm.
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of our sports clubs to the life and well being of our families and community. Reflections on our Christian Understanding of Hope
What is Hope?
Hope is the power by which we firmly and constantly long for what we were placed on earth to do : to praise God and serve God to find our fulfilment and true happiness in God. Hope is trusting in what God has promised us in creation in the prophets but especially in Jesus Christ even though we do not yet see it. Hope is directed, it is humankind’s encourager, it sustains us in times of abandonment, it opens our heart to expect eternal life. Hope energises us, preserves us from selfishness and leads to the happiness that flows from charity. Sacramental RegistrationFirst Communion preparation for 2025 (usually 2nd class):
First Communion preparation for 2026 (usually 1st class):
Confirmation preparation for 2025 (usually 6th class): Confirmation preparation for 2026 (usually 5th class):
St. Matthews and Educate Together:
Sunday, 11th May 10:30am Star of the Sea Boys: Sunday, 18th May 12:00pm Scoil Mhuire: Sunday, 25th May 12:00pm The next meeting of the Sandymount Explorers is scheduled for Monday 17th February at 7.30 p.m. in Christ Church Hall, Sandymount Green. Dr. Kieran O’ Mahony will continue with his elucidation of the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians, which he will continue through March 24th and April 24th.
The Sandymount Explorers is a a local ecumenical initiative, bringing various Christian traditions together around the Word of God. This year, we are reading together St Paul’s great Letter to the Galatians, a passionate and even feisty document — in any case, not boring and full of potential for today’s church.
Pastoral Letter-Archbishop Dermot Farrell
Welcome to St. Mary's Star of the Sea, Sandymount
A warm welcome to the website of St Mary’s, Star of the Sea Parish, Sandymount. Our parish was constituted in 1876 to meet the needs of a growing population in Sandymount – Irishtown. The foundation stone of a new church was laid in August 1851 and the church was officially opened. Designed by J.J. McCarthy, of the Pugin neo-Gothic school, Star of the Sea has served the people well in Sandymount and Irishtown over the years and they in turn have looked after it in its beauty and prayerful atmosphere. The gatherings for the liturgy are creative of a community in touch with God and with each other. We hope you’ll find our website interesting and helpful. Don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance to you. Yours sincerely, Fr. John Mc Donagh Mass ScheduleWeekly Mass:
For the week commencing 7th April,2024, and until further notice we will have one Mass per day. 7.30am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Weekend Mass: Saturday: 6pm Sunday: 10:30am, 12 Noon Cuppa after 12pm Mass- 1st Sunday of the Month
Please join us for a cuppa after the Sunday 12pm Mass on the First Sunday of the Month. We gather in the back of the Church. All are welcome!
First Friday of the MonthWe are happy to visit the housebound and those who are ill on the First Friday of the Month. It has been difficult to do so in recent months and we apologise to those who were expecting a visit. We hope to rectify the situation in the coming weeks. We would be happy to hear from anyone who desires a monthly visit.
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The Old Dublin SocietyPaedar Curran will present 'Evie Hone-Stained Glass Artist of Marlay' at 6pm on Wednesday, February 12th in the Conference Room of Dublin City Library & Archive, 139-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. All are welcome-admission is free and no booking is required.
World Day of The Sick Tuesday 11th FebruaryPope John Paul II originated this day of observation of the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses. It provides an opportunity for those serving in health ministry to reflect on caring for the sick and for us all to recall and reflect on our debt of gratitude to those who provide care to them.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen< Saying Good Bye and God BlessThe Marist Brothers came to Sandymount 70 years ago and, sadly, this weekend witnesses their departure. The small Marist Community of Bonaventure, Angelo and Vincent are moving to join their confreres in Moyle Park, Clondalkin, and the Marist Brothers presence in our parish is coming to a close. We hasten to thank all the brothers who lived and worked here for their dedication and commitment over the years. When Brother Liguori opened the school in 1954, the first class began in September 1954 with 14 pupils and by year’s end increased to 21. By September 1957 it had an enrolment of 180 and the new school, Marian College, was opened on Nov 8th 1957. Several brothers taught on the staff at that time.
Over the years, brothers not only taught in their school but also achieved prominence in national developments in educational provision. Brother Declan Duffy, for example, was engaged at national level in the late 60s and 70s in forging new partnerships in emergent community schools, in establishing deeds of trust between religious orders and the Dept of Education and in the overall development of second level schools following the introduction of the Free Education Scheme of 1967. The large attendance at Bro Declan’s funeral Mass in 2014 bore testimony to the significant role he played both in and beyond Marian College. We also witnessed the appreciation that attended the lives of Bro John Hyland and Bro Mel Kenny at their funeral Masses in Star of the Sea when John died in 2016 and Mel died in 2019. Bro Philip Conaty, will be remembered also by many for his hunger for knowledge, his science teaching, and his great commitment to coaching water polo for the boys and maintaining the swimming pool. Indeed water-polo and basketball were stand-out sports in Marian. Sadly, Philip died young in 1998. When Bro Sebastian Davis fell this year and suffered serious injury, we were saddened to lose his gentle presence. Sebastian exercised the care of his older brothers in the Sandymount community and his absence has now prompted their move to Clondalkin and to greater support and care. We will miss you, Bonaventure, Angelo and Vincent. Your vocation was fulfilled in many years of Primary School Teaching and moving presents a new challenge in vocation. May God bless and guide you in peace and happiness. Our thanks to all the brothers over the years for all they have meant for our parish, for generations of students and parents and for their generous service in education. ‘More than anything else the Brothers will be remembered for education as a form of love and care’ Ned Prendergast, former teacher at Marian College and author of ‘Before you I stand’, the Story of the Marist Brothers in Ireland, 2021. The Parish Pastoral Council sends huge thanks to all Parishioners for the wonderful turnout at Fr. John’s Retirement Gathering last Sunday, for the beautiful feast provided by and served by so many skilled hands. We are grateful for the warm response to our collection for the presentation to Fr. John and to all who attended on the day itself to make it a day to remember.
Father John is grateful for all your kindness and generosity and for the prayers and support of so many towards recovery this year. It is a great blessing to be able to retire among friends. Synod PrayerWe stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather in Your name.
with You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son forever and ever. Amen Baptism Certificate RequestUnder our GDPR Policy a request for Baptism certs must be accompanied by a completed form either by the adult person requesting his or her own Baptism cert or by the parent requesting a son or daughter’s Baptism certificate. Parents of children preparing for First Communion and for Confirmation will accordingly need to complete that form when seeking , as is required, their child’s certification of Baptism. This applies to every parish in the Diocese.
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