On Sunday next, May 11th, children and parents preparing for First Communion are invited again to the 10:30am Family Mass. This will be the last of our special Masses preceding First Communion Day. Our special Mass will be on the Corpus Christi Sunday.
Recitation of Public Rosary at Our Lady's Shrine, Margaret Place, Bath Avenue, every Saturday at 5:00pm during the month of May.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is organising a week's holiday for the elderly in Kerdiffstown House in Co. Kildare starting on 25th May.
Anyone interested in going should contact 086 846 1273. The RDS Club is organising a Charity Bridge Evening in aid of The Royal Hospital, Donnybrook, on Wednesday 30th April at 7:30pm sharp.
Absolutely all of the monies raised on the night will go directly to enhancing patient care and comfort at the hospital. Subscription €15 includes light refreshments. Bridge Enquiries: Tel: 087 220 9802 or 01 288 5525. A Pre Bridge Supper €13.50, is also available but prior booking is essential. Enquiries to Brian 668 9244. We would ask you to return your Trocaire boxes on or before the second Sunday of Easter. This arrangement applies only to homes that do not have school-going children. On behalf of Trocaire, we thank you for your generous support.
You are invited to a sing-a-long and dance featuring the Past Times band, at the Centre on Newbridge Avenue on Friday 25th April from 2:15pm to 4:00pm. Admission is free and tea/coffee will be served. See map below for directions to the Iris Charles Centre.
A meeting to arrange the roster for Holy Week will be held this Monday, April 14th at 7:30 pm in the Church
St. Patrick's C.M.W.S. Annual Weekend Pilgrimage to Knock takes place on 10th and 11th May. Some places still available. Enquiries to (01) 668 9905
The next meeting will take place on Thursday, 10th April at 8:00pm in Scoil Mhuire. All welcome.
The scrabble club now meets on Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm in the Community Centre, Thorncastle Street, Ringsend. All are most welcome whether you know how to play or not. No charge and parking is available. For any further information please contact Aine at 085 860 7665. Look forward to hearing from you.
We are pleased to invite you to attend our Acies ceremony (renewal of Consecration to Our Blessed Lady), on Sunday, 6th April 2014 at 3:00pm (assemble at 2;45pm) in St. Mary's Haddington Road Church Dublin. Refreshments afterwards.
In the event that you cannot attend this year, we take this opportunity to thank you for offering the Legion prayers to Our Blessed Lady, as an auxiliary member. On Sunday 6th April, at 7:30pm, in the Christ Church Hall Sandymount Green, the Comedy Show "Ladies Who Lunch" returns by popular demand with Glynis Casson and Irene Gaffney. Proceeds are going to the Sandymount Residents Association. Tickets €25 or €20 for groups of 5 or over. To book please contact Glynis Casson at 086 373 1420.
A Variety Show by Jomac Productions will be held in the Centre, Newbridge Avenue on Thursday 20th March at 8:00pm. All welcome and ADMISSION IS FREE!
On Friday, March 21. In Jury's Ballsbridge, with special guests: Red Hurley, Champion Dancer, Sean O'Brien and the pupils of The Olive Hurley School of Irish Dancing. Proceeds will assist the under 11 Ceili team who have qualified for the World Dancing Championships in London. Tickets €20 from Olive Hurley at Tel: 086 8314888 or from Bronagh McDonald at email: [email protected]
A meeting of Readers will take place on Wednesday 19th March at 7:30pm in the parish meeting rooms.
We have made available, at the back of the church, some copies of Pope Francis' letter to families, dated February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation, highlighting the forthcoming Synod on "pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelization". Please take a copy.
On Thursday next, March 13th, Mass will be celebrated at 9:30am instead of the usual 10:00am, to allow time to prepare for the Confirmation ceremony at 11:00am.
The Lenten Trocaire boxes are available at the back of the Church. The focus of this year's Trocaire Campaign is a small village in Malawi where they hope to provide life-sustaining sources of water. It's just one example of the many projects around the world supported by Trocaire. You're invited to be in solidarity with them this Lent, praying for them and supporting them.